“Children treat others the way, we treat them. Our relationship with children is the foundation of their relationship with others”. ~ Way To Live Life

Friday 6 April 2018

“Children treat others the way, we treat them. Our relationship with children is the foundation of their relationship with others”.

As a parent/ teacher, hold great responsibility in the upbringing of children. If kids are brought up with good values today, they will be able to face life with positivity and confidence in future. The purpose of this blog is to suggest various subtle and important values, which when taught in a loving manner, can help kids to grow in the right direction. It focuses on enhancing the emotional strength in children.

संबंधित इमेज 
Kids, as such,
  •  Are innocent
  •   Are pure at heart
  •   Have high positive energy (positive thoughts)
  •   Accept and trust people as they are
  •   Are happy over small things in life
  •   Easily forget the past and move on
  •   Have high observation and grasping power
It is these values which we need to appreciate/ learn from them and guide them in an effective manner.
     1.   Kids can be taught to speak the truth always. At times when kids admit their mistakes, we shout, scold and punish them. So, they learn to manipulate, to escape from such criticism. This should never be done. Kids should be appreciated for their honesty, their courage to admit the truth. Their mistakes can be corrected in a soft manner. For example:      

         a)     A child didn’t do her homework as she went for a birthday party. She goes to school and tells her teacher the same reason. Now the teacher punishes her (get out of the class, stand on the bench, etc.) Next time when the child does the same mistake, she tells the reason as “I was sick and the teacher excuses. Now what did the child learn? He/she has learnt to manipulate herself to escape from mistakes. Was this our intention? Instead, if we could appreciate the child first for having the courage to tell the truth and then advice her assertively that the work needs to be given priority first, then there is no need for the kid to lie at all.
parenting के लिए इमेज परिणाम
Now it is easy for us to comprehend, why we, as adults, lie to our boss saying, “Sir, I am sick today, so am taking off”, but the fact may be “I’m in a movie” or something else.

2.       Kids should be taught to respect all elders. Nowadays, respect has become the most underestimated word. We think we all respect each other, do we? What is respect? Kids are taught respect as obeying all elders, which means, accept all that elders say and obey. We, elders need to show this. We need to accept all people, people whom we live with, means, not being judgmental or not criticizing others. We should also show them that we have to respect all, irrespective of how people are. For example: 
         a)     When parents, mother and father, share their opinions in a family, at times, we end up fighting with each other. This means we do not accept each others opinions and play the blame game. Is this respect? When a child is a victim to these situations often, he/she learns to be judgmental with others. The child learns to fight if there is a difference in opinion, which will be the case in practical life. We need to understand that opinions can differ from each one’s point of view. This is very essential for a child.
          b)      As parents, do we respect our children? Do they need to be respected? Yes, they should. Kids observe us the most and imbibe our qualities. We should accept our kids as they are, in all situations, at all times. If not, we should be ready to see our kids respect people at times and be the opposite at times, just the way we are. 
We parents many times, misinterpret respect and fear. Kids should respect elders and not obey them because of fear. Respect is a very positive energy, fear is negative. Respect results in a good relationship, fear pulls us far apart.
Note: The best way to make people realize their mistakes is by staying positive, and responding with a smile. It may sound impractical/ impossible, but when practiced, it is extremely powerful.
All, a child needs is love, acceptance, support and solution. This can be done only if we remain stable and detached. Parent-child is the most wonderful relationship in the world, so never spoil it.   


Thank you.



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